Friday, July 15, 2016

Sample Interview questions

Q: Tell me about yourself
A: I am a nurturing and caring person and I believe all children can succeed given continued support.
Having a background in psychology and in education, I feel that I am equipped to meet the needs of all children, because.....
Example: I can assess each child by observing the whole child.
 My experience in working with students with special needs has taught me that ……
Example: everyone has special gifts and that it is our job as educators to have students find them and be the best they can be.
Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?
 A: I would like to have my own classroom where I could teach students between K and 6 th grade. organize my classroom so that my students would know what to do when they would come into the room and respect our classroom
to be teaching students in and have had the some experience working with different grade levels
Q: What would you do if one of your students was having trouble with something?
A: I would work with him one on one and give him different strategies to understand the concepts.

Q: Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses? 
 A:  I believe that I am a very nurturing and caring person and care about the students I work with.  I am also very organized and  very conscientious about planning my lessons.  
I feel that my strength in planning is also my weekness in that I end up overplanning a lesson.

Q: What would we see if we walked into your classroom? 
A:  My classroom would be student centered, so after their morning work students would move to different centers in the room where they would be working in small groups.  I might have a reading corner where I would be one of the small group instruction or I would be walking around the room offering support to students who needed it or I would be working with a group of students and providing additional instruction and support for those needing it.
Students would know where to go to find materials they need.  If you walked into my classroom at the beginning of the period -  (circle time) we would be discussing date weather and what we would be doing that day (the lesson objective)   followed by a lesson . -
During class you would see students working in small groups. and i might be providing small group instruction to students
Towards the end of the day - (regroup whole class) to discuss and share what they learned and how they can use what they learned today.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sample questions

Examples of possible questions for ACTFL
Cuénteme sobre su trabajo. ¿Qué hace usted?
¿Me puede hablar de un día típico en su trabajo?

¿Cómo es su rutina diaria? (se levanta, va a trabajar)

Háblame de su familia.

¿Cómo es su hermana, etc.?

Me ha dicho que su hermana es ... , ¿me puede explicar que hace una ....?

Hábleme de su casa. ¿Cómo es?

¿Qué tipo de cosas le gusta hacer en su tiempo libre?

Entiendo que poca gente tiene tiempo libre. Si tuviera tiempo libre, ¿qué cosas le gustaría hacer?

¿Cómo nació su interés en ....? ¿Cómo empezaste a ....?

¿Qué mas?

¿Te acuerdas de la primera vez que hiciste... ? ¿Me puede explicar como sintió usted?

¿Tiene alguna anécdota sobre alguna vez que hiciste. ?

Me ha dicho que le gusta hacer tal y tal. ¿Qué mas le interesa?

¿Me puede contar sobre alguna experiencia que ha tenido haciendo... ?

Volviendo a su trabajo, ¿cómo llegó a conseguir ese trabajo?

¿Qué hacía antes?

¿Cómo se compara tal ciudad con esta?

¿Cómo se compara tal trabajo con este que tienes actualmente?
Algunos dirían que tal, otros que tal, ¿qué opina usted?
Entiendo. También hay quien diría ....
¿Si pudiera implementar algún cambio, qué haría?
¿Y cómo lo financiaría?
¿Cómo se compara la vida de estudiante con la vida de profesional?

Strategies and questions

Stategies and questions


Listening practice
to take practice test

Juanes - Luna